History Schmistory: February 9. Weather Men!

February 9, 1870. Grant and Congress say yes to weather service.

History Schmistory: February 8. Be Prepared!

February 8, 1910. Boy Scouts of America is incorporated.

History Schmistory: February 7. Monopoly!

February 7, 1935: Parker Brothers introduces the Monopoly board game.

History Schmistory: February 6. Let Us Ride the Rails!

February 6, 1815. The US says yes to laying the tracks!

History Schmistory: February 4. Sibling Rivalry!

February 4, 211. Roman Emperor, Septimius Severus dies without choosing an heir.

History Schmistory: February 3. Quite a Tunnel!

February 3, 1918. Twin Peaks streetcar tunnel opens in San Francisco.

History Schmistory: February 1. Words, Words, Words!

February 1, 1884. Dictionary: Part One!

ALL NEW History Schmistory: January 6. Kerrigan Clubbed!

January 6, 1994. Nancy Kerrigan is clubbed on the knee before a competition.

History Schmistory: June 18th: Waterloo Sunset!

1815:  The Battle of Waterloo, Belgium. Napoleon and Wellington ‘duke’ it out (see what we did there) and along the way incidentally provide ABBA with the keys to stardom!

The British victory at Waterloo heralded the end of Napoleonic ascendancy in Europe after over ten years as Emperor of The French.

"Creative commons, Napoléon Bonaparte, 1798"  digital watercolor from painting by Édouard Detaille by Now Idonoa /CCBY

“Napoléon Bonaparte, 1798”
digital watercolor from painting by Édouard Detaille by Now Idonoa /CCBY



History Schmistory, April 17: Canterbury Tales Told for the First Time!

1397 – Geoffrey Chaucer tells the Canterbury Tales for the first time at the court of Richard II. Chaucer scholars have also identified this date (in 1387) as when the book’s pilgrimage to Canterbury starts. After all, it does start “Whan that aprill with his shoures soote the droghte of march hath perced to the roote”

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