History Schmistory: July 26. Mi Vidi Vi!

1887: Unua Libro  is published, detailing the language of Esperanto, Now spoken in over 100 countries. Who knew? …I sure didn’t.
By skanita en privata biblioteko de P.Fiŝo (Wikipedia/eo) [CC0], via Wikimedia Commons

By skanita en privata biblioteko de P.Fiŝo (Wikipedia/eo) [CC0], via Wikimedia Commons


















Fun Fact: Esperanto was the brain child of Dr. Ludwig Lazarus Zamenhof and was designed as a ‘universal language’ that would help foster global connections and communication. Unfortunately it was not the success Zamenhof had hoped. Today only 10,000, in the whole world, speak it fluently. Commiseration’s Dr. Z

Celebrate Project Runway Tim Gunn’s Birthday Week!

History Schmistory: July 25. First in Flight.

1909: First flight across the English Channel, by Louis Bleriot. He got halfway there once before, but decided he couldn’t make it and flew back.
How you doin'? Louis Bleriot, See page for author [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons

How you doin’?
Louis Bleriot, See page for author [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons

History Schmistory: July 24. King Gaga.

1567: A one year old boy becomes King James VI of Scotland when his mother, Mary Queen of Scots, abdicates. He shares a round of milk with his subjects.

'James VI as a young boy', King James I of England and VI of Scotland by Arnold van Brounckhorst.jpg, Public Domain

‘James VI as a young boy’,
King James I of England and VI of Scotland by Arnold van Brounckhorst.jpg, Public Domain

























Fun fact: Once he was all grown up James ruled both England and Scotland from 1603- 1625….. he was also fascinated by witches and the Daemonologie in 1599. Each to their own I guess!

Kids Discover the World with TeamMarcoPolo

Team Marco Polo is a kids travel show that makes learning about other countries, cultures and languages fun and exciting.

It is fast paced and engaging with lots of humor and laughs thrown in the mix. Think “Bill Nye” meets “Rick Steves”.

Check it out!

History Schmistory: July 23. Speak now or forever hold your tongue.

1926 – Fox Film buys the patents of the Movietone sound system for recording sound onto film. Silent film actors remain unable to vocalize their concerns.

History Schmistory: July 22. Vrrrroooooooommmm-put-put… -put.

1894: The first motorcar race is held in France. Local horses start a betting racket.

How To: Make an Authentic Renaissance Hairstyle!

From Team Marco Polo fan Janet’s YouTube channel!

Ludicrous Latins: Nullo metro compositum est

It doesn’t rhyme.

Demi Lovato & Eminem MANIP by Leticia Lima, licensed under CC BY 2.0

Demi Lovato & Eminem MANIP by Leticia Lima, licensed under CC BY 2.0

History Schmistory: July 21. Rough days ahead…

1542: The Roman Inquisition is established. Hold on to your heads! (and fingers and toes…)
Pope Paul V, by Caravaggio, public domain

Pope Paul V, by Caravaggio, public domain

Fun Fact: The inquisition’s most famous defendant is probably Galileo Galilei (the telescope guy!) He was hauled before the inquisition in 1633 on charges that his scientific findings denied the existence of God. Despite protestations he was found guilty of heresy.

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