The Underwater Sculpture Park in Cancun, Mexico. Another great reason to learn how to snorkel.

GO THERE! attn pin-heads












Not that anyone needs another reason to go to Vegas, but the “Pinball Hall of Fame” is always reason enough for Marco.


The Meenakshi Temple in Madurai, India, is an historic Hindu temple that will put your uncle Dave’s hideous “art car” to shame. …Not that it would be that difficult.

A TMP Exclusive: The Foggy London Strut

Hey MarcoNauts, have you seen the trailer yet? It packs an olympic size punch!

See it here…

History Schmistory, July 16: Kissing Cooties Goodbye.

1439 – Kissing was banned in England to stop germs from spreading! Soon after, blowing kisses became the next best thing.


Enjoy my germs!

Enjoy my germs!

History Schmistory, July 15: Roc-King Out!

1799 – The Rosetta Stone was found in the Egyptian village of Rosetta by French Captain Pierre-François Bouchard during Napoleon’s Egyptian Campaign. It unfortunately did not give them the ability learn a new language online. It did however have three different languages written on it (Greek, Demotic & Hieroglyphic!)


Before internet was invented...

Before internet was invented…

History Schmistory, July 14: Hooray for Bastille Day!

1789 – Today is Bastille Day. The French Revolution began with the fall of Bastille. Aujourd’hui, nous célébrons notre liberté!

Magnifique CC0 Public Domain

CC0 Public Domain

History Schmistory July 13: Cookin’ Up The Resolution

1772 – Captain James Cook began his 2nd voyage, this time to the South Seas. He commanded a ship called the Resolution & although was able to retire after this voyage, couldn’t resolve his need for adventure.

This cook is not burnt out yet!

History Schmistory, July 11: Pons Comet Pun

1801 – French astronomer Jean-Louis Pons discovered his 1st comet. He then went on to discover 36 more. Jeez louise!

Hey guys, I think I might see one...!

I see one…two….three…four….

History Schmistory, July 10: A New’d Way To Do Things.

1040 – Lady Godiva rode naked on horseback to force her husband, the Earl of Mercia, to lower taxes. I am sure her husband wished they could have kept their disagreement covered up.

Some women really know how to prove a point!


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