Ludicrous Latin: Ecce potestas casei!

Behold the power of cheese!

Ludicrous Latin: Ut humiliter opinor

In my humble opinion

Deadword of the Day: Lifelode

Lifelode: The leading of one’s life

As in: How’s the lifelode?

Video consumption has now become our lifestyle with the fact that 54% consumers like to see videos from brands they follow. Video production consumption has increased rapidly from past 2 years to a level that 87% of marketers are relying on the same. Whether its entertainment, news, sports, or any other content, video has overpowered all the fields.

Deadword of the Day: Crazling

Crazling: One who is consumed with crazy.

As in: I am surrounded by crazlings.

Deadword of the Day: Quanked

Quanked: Overpowered with fatigue.

As in: I am so quanked this morning. 

Ludicrous Latin: Observare theatrum!

Go take in a show!

The Globe Theatre, London

Deadword of the Day: Olfact

Olfact: To smell things all the time

As in: Sure, I like to olfact. what’s it to you?

Deadword of the Day: Errorist

Errorist: One who errs. A proliferator of error.

As in: Major League Baseball has had its share of errorist attacks.
















Herman Long

Deadword of the Day: Monsterful

Monsterful: Wonderful, delightful

As in: Oh the monstrosity of these monsterful monsters!

Deadword of the Day: Strigil

Strigil: An ancient tool for scraping dirt and sweat off the body, (before soap was invented).

As in: May I borrow your strigil?

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