The Underwater Sculpture Park in Cancun, Mexico. Another great reason to learn how to snorkel.

History Schmistory: August 21. Mona Lisa Smuggle

1911: Da Vinci’s Mona Lisa is stolen from the Louvre during business hours.














The culprit: Vincenzo Peruggia

See page for author [Public domain or Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons

See page for author [Public domain or Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons








His motive was to return the piece to Italy as a long overdue retaliation against France, whose former leader, Napoleon, stole boatloads of priceless art from Italy and sent it to Paris. A noble cause, but Leonardo actually brought the Mona Lisa to Paris himself in 1516, and it has been there ever since. Oh well, it’s the thought that counts. Vinny was arrested trying to sell it out of his closet.

Sister Windy would be ashamed!

Happy Birthday, Jackie!

Jacopo Peri, the original opera man, was born today in 1561. Play it again, Marco!

Deadword of the Day: Gowl

Gowl: To weep in anger.

As in: Quit gowling and eat your greens!

GO THERE! attn pin-heads












Not that anyone needs another reason to go to Vegas, but the “Pinball Hall of Fame” is always reason enough for Marco.


The Meenakshi Temple in Madurai, India, is an historic Hindu temple that will put your uncle Dave’s hideous “art car” to shame. …Not that it would be that difficult.

Ludicrous Latin: Quis nunc barbara?

Who’s the barbarian now?

History Schmistory: August 20. Who brought the cannon?

1882: Piotr Ilich Tchaikovsky premiers the 1812 Overture in Moscow, with a section of real cannon blasting away during the finale. Six months later a cannonball falls out of the sky and kills Wagner. It was that awesome.

Don’t think you know it? Skip to 3:05….

Deadword of the Day: Snoutfair

Snoutfair: A person with attractive facial features

As in: Marco Polo is the most snoutfair person I know!


Ludicrous Latin: Adaugeo-

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-National Architects Union Headquarters, Romania

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