History Schmistory: July 26. Mi Vidi Vi!

1887: Unua Libro  is published, detailing the language of Esperanto, Now spoken in over 100 countries. Who knew? …I sure didn’t.
By skanita en privata biblioteko de P.Fiŝo (Wikipedia/eo) [CC0], via Wikimedia Commons

By skanita en privata biblioteko de P.Fiŝo (Wikipedia/eo) [CC0], via Wikimedia Commons


















Fun Fact: Esperanto was the brain child of Dr. Ludwig Lazarus Zamenhof and was designed as a ‘universal language’ that would help foster global connections and communication. Unfortunately it was not the success Zamenhof had hoped. Today only 10,000, in the whole world, speak it fluently. Commiseration’s Dr. Z