History Schmistory, July 20: Take Me Out To The Ball Game!

1858 – The first ever fee was charged to see a baseball game at the steep price of 50 cents per person. Sure had to break the piggy bank for Babe!


Gotta' pay those nickels to see them knuckles! 'Babe Ruth in 1921,' [public domain]

Gotta’ pay those nickels to see them knuckles!
‘Babe Ruth in 1921,’ [public domain]

History Schmistory, July 18: “In Freedom We Are Born!”

1768 – The Boston Gazette published the “Liberty Song,” America’s 1st patriotic song. It was an American Revolutionary War song composed by patriot, John Dickinson. Come, join hand in hand, to sing this tune to the motherland!

History Schmistory, July 17: Starry Eyed Harvard!

1850 – The Harvard Observatory took the 1st photograph of a star (Vega). Vega is argued to be the next most important star in the sky after the Sun. Needless to say, it is a “bright spot” in history for astronomers!

What happens on Vega, didn't stay on vega!

What happens on Vega, didn’t stay on vega!

History Schmistory, July 16: Kissing Cooties Goodbye.

1439 – Kissing was banned in England to stop germs from spreading! Soon after, blowing kisses became the next best thing.


Enjoy my germs!

Enjoy my germs!

History Schmistory, July 15: Roc-King Out!

1799 – The Rosetta Stone was found in the Egyptian village of Rosetta by French Captain Pierre-François Bouchard during Napoleon’s Egyptian Campaign. It unfortunately did not give them the ability learn a new language online. It did however have three different languages written on it (Greek, Demotic & Hieroglyphic!)


Before internet was invented...

Before internet was invented…

History Schmistory, July 14: Hooray for Bastille Day!

1789 – Today is Bastille Day. The French Revolution began with the fall of Bastille. Aujourd’hui, nous célébrons notre liberté!

Magnifique CC0 Public Domain

CC0 Public Domain

Countdown to Bastille Day!

You say you want a revolution?  OK–you got it.  2 days to Bastille Day!

History Schmistory, July 10: A New’d Way To Do Things.

1040 – Lady Godiva rode naked on horseback to force her husband, the Earl of Mercia, to lower taxes. I am sure her husband wished they could have kept their disagreement covered up.

Some women really know how to prove a point!


History Schmistory, July 8: Bonjour, Paris!

951 – Paris was founded. At the time, it was occupied by the Germanic Franks. Thankfully they came up with an awesome name for the city — it could have been a bratwurst.

Paris sure used to occur a lot of Germs!

Paris sure used to occur a lot of Germs!

History Schmistory, July 4: AMERICAAA!

1776 American Revolution: The United States Declaration of Independence is adopted by the Second Continental Congress. There’s gonna be fireworks!

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