On the Set: Gabi loves Marco THIS much!

Intern at Filmateria!

Ever wonder what its like to intern at Filmateria Studios, creator of Team Marco Polo, and a bunch of other cool branding for the best clients in the world?

On the Set: Marco chills while crew burns

History Schmistory: Friday the 13th Edition.

Not a good day for lucky people. But what’s the origin? Well, to be honest, no one knows. Could be one of three things:
1. Norse mythology about some convoluted council of thirteen whatevers and the goddess Frigga (from whom we get the name Friday).
2. (made popular in The DaVinci Code) Friday, October 13, 1307, the date King Philip IV of France ordered the arrest of the Knights Templar–unlikely, though, since few people recognized Friday the 13th superstitions before the 20th century
3. Publication of a popular 1907 novel called Friday, the 13th. This is actually most likely, since the first references to this day as unlucky date from this time.
Either way, don’t break any mirrors or hang out with any black cats.

Intern with Team Marco Polo!

In the mood for the toughest non-military non-paying job you’ll ever love? Consider becoming a Team Marco Polo intern. As you can see by the photo, you’ll be in the company of a team of cool, fashion-model good-looking cohorts making meaningful TV in the swank Filmateria Studios production facility in the shadow of Safeco Field. Plus, free Power Bars! Help make the world a better place! Intern with Team Marco Polo this summer! Send your resume to Team Marco Polo World HQ, and write “Summer Intern” in the subject line. You’ll be glad you did!

On the Set: Marco is buff. Liam is bored.

On the Set: Friends, Romans, Gena, Alex!

Gena gets the clapboard ready for Roman Idol.

AppNews: New iPad boosts App downloads

Great iPad ad from Apple. Did you know Team Marco Polo has a free app? Download it today!

Our Steve Ricks Wins YouTube Contest!

Ethan Newberry, the incredibly talented actor/designer/writer/improv genius who plays Steve Ricks, Tim Pistol, and Michelangelo on Team Marco Polo, has been chosen as a YouTube NextUp winner! We knew it all along, but its great to have his incredible talent validated again. Check out his hilarious video:

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